Program laporan keuangan sederhana yang
Program laporan keuangan sederhana yang

For result / reports of all transactions stored earlier will be displayed by using Crystal Report. With visual Basic as the form used to input the transaction occurred at the company, then the data has been inputted will be saved into Microsoft Access database. The combination of Visual Basic and Microsoft Access is one of the main program that can make this happen.

program laporan keuangan sederhana yang

For that we need to use a program that can accommodate any transactions or activities that exist in that company. Also, participants are able to apply transaction identification, journalized, prepared general ledger and trial balance.Every company, especially small and medium-sized trading companies want financial stalements that can be rapidly available and accurate. The evaluation results for this community service activity, both during the session and through questionnaire, shows that participants are satisfied with the program and the purpose of this community service activity is achieved where participants got the benefits in knowledge, understanding, and skills related to Financial Management and Financial Statements in school. Questionnaire in Google Form platform is used to gather feedback from participants.

program laporan keuangan sederhana yang

Discussion sessions with participants guided by the mentor and held in Zoom Meeting. Methods used in this community service activity are counseling, training, and mentoring presented by community service activity team. This community service activity is a suistanable training program, with objective to give the participants competences in preparing Financial Statements of their school at the end of the program. Practise for identifying transaction, preparing cash journal, posting to general ledger, and preparing trial balance. Basic concept of preparing Financial Statements including activity statement, statement of financial position, and cash flow statement. The Accounting Cycle Concept that consist of journalization, posting to general legder, preparing trial balance, adjusting entries concept, and adjusted trial balance. Basic knowledge of Financial Statement for Non Profit Entity, 2. The subject discussed in this community service activity are: 1. This community service activity aims to help school owners and managements to get competences in preparing Financial Statement regarding to Accounting Standards for Non Profit Entity (PSAK 45/ISAK 35).

Program laporan keuangan sederhana yang